You want me to feel safe don’t you? A1 drawing using oilbar and graphite

This is the first large drawing that I’ve made for a while this Wednesday on some large heavy watercolour paper that I bought before Christmas. I knew that I wanted to make a study of our fire. I laid down some colour looking at the coals and diluted some of the marks with turps. I then drew on top with the graphite stick. The title is one that I’ve wanted to use for a while and links to my work on the Arts Health project that I am developing at UCLAN in Preston ( University of Central Lancashire). I want my artistic practice to work alongside my course and see where it takes me. I have some canvas and a stretcher to do another oil-painting relating to this and my work on the theme ‘Self and Other’. So all this work weaves together in a loose way. I’m very excited about the puppetry side of things but am holding it all lightly and seeing where it all takes me. Click images to see marks more clearly folks!you want me to feel safe don't you sketchfireplace dec 16 2015you want me to feel safe don't you 1you want me to feel safe don't you 3you want me to feel safe don't you 2